As I sit here eating my take-out-sushi, and the boys enjoy a Saturday night marathon of Inspector Gadget, I figure I should recap the boys’ birthday festivities from last week. Better late than never.
But before I start, I just want to thank Netflix for letting me relive my childhood. Basically, Inspector Gadget is awesome and I hope my kids realize how blessed they are to have this opportunity.
Anyway, early on Jagger’s birthday we woke him up to show him his big surprise. And this kid became giddy with excitement.
But the first thing he said?
“How much did it cost?”
What a funny 6 year old. I love that he’s so concerned with our budget!
Cash’s birthday was just two days later, and since the tramp was a you-are-brothers-and-you-are-sharing-this-type-of-gift, his birthday morning surprise was a little less exciting.
But I think he loved it just the same.
That weekend all of our family came to town to celebrate. Well, maybe they didn’t come just to celebrate, but they were there none the less. And we couldn’t have been more thrilled.
In fact, the boys were so thrilled, they didn’t wear shirts all weekend. Do you hear that family? You are THAT thrilling to us!
It was kinda crazy and hectic, but that’s just how we roll.
Years ago, I had a lady tell me that goods mom never buy the birthday cake, but they should always make it instead. I bought into that for the last five years. But this year…. nope. I delegated to the grocery store. Good moms can delegate, too right? Right? Somebody please say “right!”
Anywho, we had a decently rocking good time. I mean, nobody danced on the tables or anything, but everyone was pretty smiley. And there was sugar. So, recap: smiles, sugar, and presents. Yep, good time. Plus: Both sets of grandparents. All the aunts and all the uncles. And most importantly, all the cousins. The boys were in heaven. (minus the brief fights & attitudes, of course:) Yes, it was a good time.
And we got a kick out of this guy a couple of times. They boys love it, and I am proud of them. Just thought you should know.