Thursday, November 22, 2012

So Much to Be Thankful For




A husband that works hard

Cash’s imagination

Jagger’s enthusiasm to read



Beautiful views


Awesome parents and inlaws

True Friends



Blessings to You on this Thanksgiving Day

Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Cook a Turkey


A new recipe courtesy of Jagger.

It’s sure to please even the pickiest of eaters this Thanksgiving.

2012-11-19 19.44.51

1. Hy-Vee

2.  Take it Home

3. Go into House

4.  Cook Turkey

5.  Eat the Turkey

It doesn’t get much simpler than that.  Happy Thanksgiving friends!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Boy Stuff

Hunting.  Most people, when they hunt, wake up really early, travel to some remote land, and brave whatever terrible weather mother nature has given them that day.

This is how Grant hunted a few days ago:  Opening day, he wakes up at 6am, & immediately sees a buck out the bedroom window.  He fires one shot at said buck while standing in his boxers in his bedroom.  Said buck then runs TO the house, making Grant’s job that much easier. 

We’re so luxuriously redneck over here.


Meanwhile, Cash has just been awesome.  He’s moved on from being Spiderman everyday.  He’s now Batman. 



Dude loves him some superheroes. 

When we weren’t hunting out of our bedroom this weekend, we were cheering loud at soccer games. 


Jagger had his last tournament of the year, and it was so much fun.  I love cheering for seven year olds. The weather was ridiculously beautiful on Saturday.  They played great and made it to the championship game on Sunday night.  However, then, the weather was not so great.  Freezing rain, people.  Freezing rain.  We ended up getting silver, and that’s okay.  


I’m still fighting the urge to decorate for Christmas.  Will I make it ‘til after Thanksgiving???? That will be a record!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Chore Charts

In an effort to have the boys be a little more accountable, I whipped up these chore charts for the young-ins. 

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I just used a simple PowerPoint chart and clip art, printed them out and stuck them behind in some fun frames I picked up at the Hob Lob. 

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The Dry Erase Markers work perfect.  Right now, it is still thrilling for them to check stuff off.   

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Hopefully, that thrill won’t fade fast.  Mama needs those boys to pull their weight.

I don’t require every single thing every single day (with the exception of making their bed.) And the rest is just kind of on an AS-NEEDED basis.  Right now, they each get a dollar a week, if they have done all that has been asked of them. But I am curious about you other families out there…. Do you pay your kids?  What’s the going rate?  Sometimes I feel like a dollar isn’t enough.  And sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t have to pay them at all.  And I know I don’t HAVE to.  But I like them to be able to manage their own money, and save, and all that jazz.  And even if they waste it on crap I would never buy, I still feel like they are learning in the process. I don’t know.

What kind of kid/money/chore situation has worked well for your family? 

Saturday, November 3, 2012



Pretty much, I LOVE guacamole.  When it’s fresh, and chunky, and spicy, it’s pretty much my most favorite thing ever. 

So when I heard about Broccomole, the broccoli version of this Mexican side, I was skeptical.  Because, uh, why mess with perfection? 


Recipe & Photo Credit

But I tried this recipe, linked above, and thought it was great!  It’s not the exact same as the guac I love, but it’s a great twist on it.  And it’s like 1/3 of the calories or something like that.  Which means, HELLO, I can eat THREE times more! 

So that’s my exciting news for the day.  Just thought I would share.  I know at least a couple of my readers love them some guac.  Happy eating!   

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pinterest Laughs

This is just a little collection of a few things I have stumbled upon on Pinterest that made me laugh out loud.  Some are oldies, but goodies.








forever 39

mr t





Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Pics

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We kept things super low key this year. 

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I guess we always do, actually.

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Jagger used his same costume from last year (the scream ghost) but just upgraded his mask to some blue alienish/ghost dude.

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And Cash is pretty much Spiderman everyday of the year, so Halloween was really no different.

But we had fun with our fellow superheroes.

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And we got good loot. I trained them to go for the Reese’s… and they obeyed!