Friday, March 26, 2010

My $5 Cabinet Project

march 10 028 

I had this guy.  I didn’t really like and it, and on a whim, sold it on Craigslist for $30.  It sold in 1/2 hour, so I ended up putting the TV on an ottoman for a week until I could find a replacement.

Grant thinks I am crazy.  He rolls his eyes while I have my fun. 

I like him for that. 


Then I found this next guy, for $5.  He needed some work, but I liked his lines. 


  And I turned him into this guy:

march 10 034

I am much happier.  And I turned a profit. 

[Pic+for+Body+of+Blog3.jpg]  DIY Day @ ASPTL

Monday, March 15, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Jagger


Do you know what they do with all the honey that the bees don’t use?  They use it to make Honey Nut Cheerios. 

Mom, if a bad guy ever tries to break into the house and hurt you, I will call 9-9-1-1 and use my First Aid Kit on you.  I will save you. 

Mom, do you know how to make shirts?  You knit them.  But you don’t know how.  Aunt Alisha will have to show you how.

Cheese is the best food for your teeth.  But if you eat too much, you will get too big.

My favorite things that God gave me are:  Food, Flowers, TV, Sunglasses, and Magnets. 

Mom, when you sing it gives me a headache.

Can I have some money?  Please.  I want to use it to pay the bills for Daddy.  That way I get to be the boss. 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Gift to Kenzie

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moss Wreath

The weather has been beautiful, and Grant has been away, so I felt like getting crafty. 

I took some of this from our backyard….

march 10 024 edited

Unfortunately for our neighbors, we have a ton of moss and weeds, and not so much grass.  But anyway… 

And after peeling some of that moss goodness up, and just a few hot glue gun burns, I got myself this….

 march 10 022 edited

I don’t know how long it will hold up, being exposed to all the elements and all,  but I am happy to be crafty. 


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Busy Boys

 march 10 006 march 10 011

Between Swimming Lessons

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march 10 016

Soccer Practice

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And Super Hero Sword Fights,

We’ve got some busy boys here this Spring. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trips are nice

 Quick summary of our little week away:feb 10 027 edited

  • Colorado is gorgeous. 
  • Vail is a cute little village. 
  • It’s an expensive little village, too. 
  • Grant is great at skiing. 
  • I am less than great. 
  • I prefer shopping.  It bruises my shins less.     feb 10 016 edited
  • Meeting a new group of friends is fun.   
  • Playing Catch Phrase in the hot tub is a riot. 
  • It is good to have friends that own condos out there. 

feb 10 014 edited

  • Seeing little kids skiing and snowboarding is one of the cutest things, ever!
  • We definitely want to take our boys next year.  feb 10 036 edited
  • Driving across Kansas makes Grant grumpy. 
  • He doesn’t like taking detours to drive  by the houses that I grew up in.  That makes him even more grumpy. 
  • My in-laws were great to take care of the boys while we were gone, even taking off work to do so. 
  • A week is too long to be away from my boys!   
  • I missed their cuteness.