Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Race Weekend

Nashville Half Marathon, Year 2

pee like a rock star edited

Here are the sisters and I pre-race. 

We just thought that sign was funny, and picture worthy.  They were VIP Porta-Potties that we had the pleasure of using. 

nash edited

And here are the hubs and I post-race. 

He beat me by exactly 20 minutes!  Jerk.  But in fairness to myself, I am fat and lazy and had to walk  and throw up  a little. 

When Grant was done, his foot was bothering him quite a bit.  It turns out he gave himself a stress fracture somewhere down there.  Awesome.  His doctor told him he should be on crutches right now, but Grant refuses, and instead, will just take it easy and limp around for a couple weeks. 

The rest of our weekend in Nashville was pretty nice.  We visited and shared meals with some old friends, treated ourselves to some cupcakes for Alisha’s Birthday, took naps,  sat in traffic, and popped blisters.  We love Nashville.       

The plan is to be back again next year, and shave a little more time off that run.


  1. Congrats! I heard you did awesome. I am super impressed that you did the half. Way to go!


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